At Focused Polygraph, fidelity testing is among the most commonly requested type of Polygraph Examinations. These exams are often pursued when relationships progress to the next level and individuals are considering engagement, marriage, or living together. Financial issues usually become increasingly important as relationships develop.....
Many people know friends or family members who have encountered financial difficulties due to infidelity. Events like broken engagements, separations, and legal fees from divorce proceedings rank among life's most costly experiences. Many of these situations could have been avoided if the truth about someone's past actions had been discovered before moving forward - As the saying goes, the past often predicts the future. Polygraph exams remain a valuable tool for those seeking the truth, particularly when, as one of our clients put it, "something doesn't feel right."
Here are two recent instances where Focused Polygraph provided individuals with reassurance as they considered moving forward in their relationships, especially regarding financial issues (details are limited to ensure client confidentiality):
1) One partner had an uneasy feeling about their significant other. Some evasive responses and suspicious text messages heightened their concerns. We were asked to perform a polygraph test to determine if their partner had been faithful over the past eighteen months, as the couple was seriously considering engagement and cohabitation. The concern was both emotional and practical: our client needed reassurance about the future of the relationship and did not want to invest in a wedding, honeymoon, house purchase, etc., only to find out that their partner had not been honest. The polygraph showed that their partner had not been unfaithful on two occasions.
Our client decided to terminate the relationship. The polygraph saved them thousands of dollars in future costs and, even more significantly, spared them from a challenging emotional ordeal.
2) Another client, a high net worth individual, was worried about a possible "Gold Digger" situation, as they put it. The family members of the client had serious concerns about the past actions of the client's partner. A private investigator (PI) had gathered some information, but it wasn't conclusive and raised more questions than answers. The client wanted multiple polygraph exams to look at past financial, relationship, and substance abuse issues. Cost was not an object because the client was considering the significant expenses of a prenuptial agreement, engagement, wedding....and much higher costs if the marriage failed and the 'prenup' expired.
During the polygraph exam, the partner revealed new information of interest to our client and ultimately passed the exam. Our client decided to move forward with the relationship after discussing this new information with their partner, who agreed to potential future polygraphs as a deterrent against concerning behavior. The cost of the polygraph was less than 1% of the expected expenses for the engagement, prenuptial agreement, and wedding. A wise investment by any measure.
Financial considerations should be part of any relationship decision making process. Polygraph examinations are one very effective way to gain peace of mind and to identify concerning behavior before it is too late (and thus potentially very expensive).
Select the most qualified Polygraph Examiner and avoid choosing the cheapest option or using unverified technologies (such as online or webcam lie detection methods), which will produce unsatisfactory and unreliable outcomes. If the issue is genuinely important to you, be prepared to explore your options and invest in the necessary professional expertise. At Focused Polygraph, our polygraph examiner brings decades of investigative and polygraph experience at the highest levels of the U.S. Government and in the private sector. He has helped people solve problems, find peace of mind, and acquire the information needed to make informed decisions.
If you have questions, please contact us to discuss your situation.